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Privacy Policy

1. Privacy & Data Ownership:

Your privacy and data ownership are at the heart of what stowDAT is founded on. You own 100% of your data within our forms. All data you input on our platform is NOT shared or sold by stowDAT.


stowDAT will submit your consumer data from the surveys to the reward sponsor ONLY after you accept the reward AND the reward has been sent to you.



Other Policies


2. Free Platform

stowDAT is a free platform for storing our user's consumer data. 


3. No Transaction/Commission Fees

stowDAT does NOT charge transaction or commission fees on rewards. Our users receive 100% of the rewards they accept. 


4. Rewards

Rewards are offered to our users from reward sponsors (various brands and companies). Our users choose whether to accept or reject the reward offer. If a user rejects the offer, no consumer data will be shared. If a user accepts the offer, their consumer data from the specified survey will be shared.


5. Policies Update:

Policies subject to update at any time. Upon updating all users will be notified via email of any and all updates to stowDAT policies. 

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