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Terms & Conditions

As a technology startup company, it is important for us to set forth the terms and conditions governing the activities of our platform users and the relationship between the users and our company. Our platform allows users to fill out short surveys which are stored in their portfolio. If the user opts in to share their survey data with various companies and/or brands, they can monetize their data.

Our terms and conditions must be defined according to the specific needs and nature of our platform. We require our users to comply with our terms and conditions before using our platform.
Our terms and conditions cover the following aspects:

1. Who Can Use Our Platform

Anyone with the minimum age of 13 (unless a higher minimum age is otherwise required by the country and/or region) and in the following countries and/or regions: USA, EU, UK, South Korea, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and India. 


2. What Are The Requirements To Create An Account

A valid email address that can be used to send updates and rewards.

3. Ownership Of Intellectual Property, Copyrights, and Trademarks

stowDAT owns all IP, copyrights, and trademarks associated within the platform. Consumer data is owned by the user that produced the data.

4. Right To Suspend And/Or Terminate User Account

stowDAT reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate user accounts abusing the platform.

5. It is important to note that our terms and conditions are subject to change at any time. We recommend our users to review our terms and conditions regularly to stay updated. If you have any questions regarding our terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us.

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