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Why Us?

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When it comes to completing consumer surveys and giving companies your information and data, we know that the idea of sharing personal information can feel less than comfortable. However, at StowDAT, we’re here to assure you that we take the utmost care in protecting your data and we value your trust above all else!


So, why us instead of other consumer survey platforms? Keep reading to learn more about our data collection and how you can make your data work for your wallet with us!

Sharing Your Consumer Data

In today's digital age, it's no secret that companies are already collecting your data. We believe that you should have the opportunity to benefit from that data collection, as well. Our platform allows you to take control of your data and make it work for your wallet. When you work with us, you’ll rest easy knowing that we prioritize your security, value your time, and empower you to make a difference.

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How Your Consumer Information is Used

At StowDAT, we prioritize the security and privacy of your data. Our team follows industry-standard security practices and strict internal policies that limit access to your data only to those you choose to access your survey data, and we regularly update our security measures to stay ahead of the ever-evolving digital landscape and keep you in control of your data.

Put Your Data to Work For Your Wallet!

We understand that your time is valuable and that sharing your data should be worthwhile. That's why we offer monetary compensation for participating in consumer information surveys. We believe that your data is a valuable commodity that companies are already harvesting, so why not make it work for you too? By providing your honest feedback through our surveys, you are actively contributing to the improvement of products and services that you use daily.

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Get Started Today!

If you’re ready to use your consumer data to earn money, sign up to be one of our members today! Submit your first product survey to lock in your rewards and get started with accepting or rejecting offers.

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